Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hola from Argentina!

We arrived a little bleary-eyed in 90 degree Buenos Aires on Christmas morning.  We found all of our bags, were shooed through customs and immediately found our translator.  If that's not a Christmas present, I'm not sure what is.  At the YWAM base where we are staying, we were given the day to adjust to the culture and get a quick run-down of what to expect during our stay.  We had the evening to catch our breath before a whirlwind of our first two days of ministry.

Here is what our contact said before we left:
"Hey, we're going to a church, they want you to join them for some street evangelism."  

Here is what he said when we got to the church:
"Street evangelism is at 12 pm, then they want you to do a workshop and teach them how to do some dramas, then you will go to a park and do open air evangelism, then they want to give you their evening church service to do dramas and testimonies and give the teaching.  Then they'll feed you."

Welcome to outreach.

The next day was almost exactly the same, but add in a trip to a pool as a blessing for us.  We still did all those other things, too, but you should have seen the team's eyes light up when we said, "pool."  In our first two days in Buenos Aires, we did a total of 26 hours of ministry.  Yep.  The church we worked with was amazing.  The pastor's wife said it has been a dream of hers that YWAM eam would come to her church and that we were fulfilling that dream.  Hello!

The next few days are more low key.  We went to a strategic city today and in the open market performed some of our drams and had some time to chat with locals ad other tourists.  We will be doing some worship and intercession at government buildings (or in them, hopefully!)  The rest of the week will hold working with street kids and prostitutes and street ministry with a team from YWAM Nashville.

Can I just say that this team is phenomenal?  They have been incredibly flexible.  Rolling with every punch, and taking every unprecedented turn with amazing amounts of grace.  We are so blessed by them.  Oh, and our contacts are absolutely amazing.  PRAISE GOD!

Okeedokee, here are some prayer requests:  Bug bites.  We are getting bit badly by some phantom bug that none of us have seen, only the itchy evidence it leaves behind.  Health (had some minor, but random injuries).  Continued good attitudes and communication.  For all of our future travel!  (There is much.)

Miss y'all, but we are having a ridiculously awesome time.  Peace out.

Chey and Abbi for the Argentina Team.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hello, friends!
So here's some news for y'all.  I found out last Monday that our team leader, Peter, was unable to get his travel papers for Argentina.  He is a British citizen, and he needed papers to be able to return to the states after his trip.  The process is expected to take THREE MONTHS.


So leadership at YWAM Denver asked me if I would be willing to lead the team.  HELLO?!  That's crazy.  But maybe just crazy enough to be God.  So after praying about it...I accepted.

Peter is not going with us, and so it will be my beautiful and capable assistant Abbi and myself leading this team of 14 amazing students on this seven week adventure.  All I keep thinking is, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me."  And guess what?  I feel strengthened.  Already we have amazing stories...try this one for size:

We fed 17 people for 5 1/2 days (Peter is doing ministry with us our first week as we are ministering locally in the Denver area) for a grand total of $36.01.  AND ramen noodles are the base of only one meal!  Yeah.  God rocks.  

Anyway, will you pray?  I feel in my spirit that this is going to be a crazy adventure.  This exciting roller coaster of a trip.  God is the leader of this team, so we are in good hands  And you know what?  For now, I'm not going to give prayer just pray as you are led of the Holy Spirit.  He knows what we need better than I do!

Love you all, and hope your Christmas is merry and beautiful.  

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hey friends!
So Argentina is coming up in just 16 days!  We technically start our outreach on the 22nd, but we fly out on the 24th.  We will be working locally in Denver for the first few days then we head to Buenos Aires.  Our other stops include Bariloche and Ushuaia (the southern-most city in the world)!  I absolutely cannot wait.  I'm about to send out a Christmas greeting with this blog site on it so people can check in.  

If you think of our team, pray for God to establish a deep unity within our team (there is already TONS of that, but we can ALWAYS use more), for God to prepare our hearts for what He has for us, and to prepare the hearts of those we will meet.

Love y'all.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Greetings, friends!
Welcome to my blog.  This is going to be the easiest way for y'all to catch up on what is going on with me, especially on my trip to Argentina!  Enjoy!